Alright, if you have already searched for “How to get your ex-wife back”, and brought yourself up here that simply you have made yourself prepared to change forward. Alright, there are a few fundamentals that you should take care of those, like if you were the cause of the divorce, then you should proceed. If your wife demands something from you and you can do that without disturbing your daily and work routine you should do that, because there will be a chance that any of your acts may make her happy. Or sometimes, if you have the ability to compromise, then you should compromise for her again if your actions can make her happy. There are many things that I will mention later that you can do to impress her to somehow get her back.
The first thing first is that you need to explain yourself that at any cost you will not try to chase your ex-wife and try to argue with her to get back together on one forum. Especially if you have shared children then you should not discuss anything personal in front of them if they are not mature enough, which I will get to later in the passage.
Try to break down and elaborate on the issues earlier when you both were in a relationship called marriage, not the relationship you had before marriage if you had so. Try to elaborate on the reasons that caused the separation. This will take a lot of time, as you will try to discuss every issue or she will discuss her issues with you, try to listen to the issues she is expressing with calmness, do not be aggressive. Keep in your mind that you are not bonded together in marriage so you will not be able to express your emotions and affection to her, even if you wanted to.
You should start snipping and try to offer whatever was not present or was lacking in your relationship with her, you will know the most things but if you don’t you should discuss them.
You might pass all the things mentioned above then you will involve yourself in a massive depression. You need to make sure that you will be able to clear through the stages of bringing her back without making or letting her feel like a witness.
It is commonly noticed that a lot of men let them fall themselves into the mode of thinking that they can win her back by showing disgrace to her. It will not work at any cost. Even if it works this will never change the dynamics of your relationship, and remember the dynamics that you possessed earlier resulted in divorce.
Do not interrupt her by texting her continuously or calling, because she is living her life peacefully, do not make her think that you are dying for her to accept you again; this will create an unattractive image, of yours as a needy person. So try your best to burden from any sort of interaction, only do this when you are given a chance, by nature or from the other side.
Remember that after your divorce your wife does not care that for your love anymore, so saying “I still love you” is not going to work in every case, especially if you are the same person as you were before the divorce happened. Anything that you will do or perform in order to impress her and make her get back, will not work unless you change yourself, your ex-wife will think that it is not coming from a sincere feeling. Whether you try as much hard as you can, but if you have not changed yourself, she will not look at you with a loving and willing site to be with her.
I have mentioned earlier that if it was your fault, try your best. But in some cases, it is the fault of her, like she cheated on you, and after that, you still want her back, then you still need to work on yourself try to grasp the point she picked to cheat you and work on that to prove her that you can do that, especially if you have children. Try not to be courteous, or comfortable, be stronger. This will create a strong foundation.
Try to explain yourself for the time being that you both cannot get together right now but you are working on making yourself for what she deserves or superior to that, this will help you for your work and will also help you if you ever make your falling into depression.
If your children are mature enough try to ask them what they desire, because when a child is at a mature age he or she will think better than they did earlier, so try to ask them and also try to act on what they desire, because whatever development you have done so far it will only be helpful for your children.
I can literally write a book on this topic but it might take you a lot of time to understand it. These were the most common and general cases that have been discussed. Keep in your mind that every society, every culture, every religion has different kinds of marriages happening in their environment, and if there are different kinds of marriages happening there are different kinds of divorces happening as well with respect to every society, culture, and religion. Just keep in your mind that only changing yourself will help you out in the whole procedure of getting her back. Change can be of any sort it can be with your personality, your daily routine, etc.